Sunday, July 10, 2011

Research on Wireless Power Transfer or wireless power harvesting in my lab is just beginning this semester. Some friends took the assignment late with this topic. Cool? Of course incredible, imagine you can absorb the energy emitted by wireless devices (eg, WiFi access point, etc.) and make electric energy that can be reused. A very intelligent concept for reuse enegi electricity in the air.

Not finished my admiration with the research, there is now a T-shirt in the design in order to perform charging cell phone battery just by using a loud voice. This idea will be very useful for those of you who like to watch a concert of music with loud booms. So you do not need to bother looking for a place to recharge the batteries. Just plug it into shirts, and batereipun back can be filled.

Orange is a T-shirt that has this product. Kaos is equipped with a membrane size of A4 paper which serves to absorb sound around. Vibrations that hit this membrane is converted into electrical energy. Objects are commonly known as the piezoelectric. This material has the characteristics can change the mechanical deformation into electric field.

The energy obtained from the piezoelectric sensor is converted into an electric field is then stored in the battery before it can be used to recharge your phone battery. The louder the music that hit a layer of piezoelectric film on your shirt, the more electrical energy can be obtained.

Well, for those of you who like to watch and the music loud , these shirts seem to be used, in addition to style, also to recharge cell phones. Hey, you can also bring a piece of paper and wrote: "Charge Hape, 10,000 per 30 minutes". Quite right could be additional money.haha

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